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Leaders: Lecture 9 of 11

tis 10 maj


Live Webinar

Join us for a multi-day workshop on the Bible and Culture, delivered by an expert on the topic. Learn to investigate and discuss the formation and reception history of biblical traditions.

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Leaders: Lecture 9 of 11
Leaders: Lecture 9 of 11

Tid och plats

10 maj 2022 14:00 – 15:15 GMT−4

Live Webinar

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This ticketed event is intended for those who have already registered for the online certification course ( and is free to those certification students.

Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman, once called the Bible “the most frequently purchased, commonly read, passionately believed, and widely misunderstood book in the history of Western civilization.” Dr. Aaron Ricker’s Introuduction to Biblical Studies class is designed to address the fallout of this situation: most people know more about the Bible than they think, but most people are also more confused about it than they realize. The Intro to Biblical Studies Certification Course offers an expert guided tour of biblical tradition with a special focus on the way it has shaped – and been shaped by – cultural evolution.


  • BIB101: Lecture Nine

    This ticketed event is intended for those who have already registered for the online certification course ( and is free to those certification students.

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