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Atheism: "God and Suffering" (Dec. 11-12) | Dec 11, 2021, 7:00 AM MST – Dec 12, 2021, 10:30 PM MST Zoom Webinar
Get Tickets- 1 hour 30 minutes
"The Bigger Problem of Evil: Evaluating Stump's Account of Suffering with the Doctrine of Hell" (Hillman)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Causes, Reasons, and a Massively Deceptive God" (Chris A. Kramer)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Bereavement and Bad Theology: A Toxic Cocktail" (Terri Daniel)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"The Truth Hurts: An Anthropological Perspective on Religion and Suffering" (Eller)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Paul Ricoeur and the God After Theodicy" (Klein)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Dystheism as a Response to Plantinga’s Free-Will Defense" (Buenaventura)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"The Problem of Horrendous Suffering" (Loftus)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"God and Suffering" (García)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Whence then is Evil? -- An Exploration of Suffering, Meaninglessness, and Human Longing" (Tarpy)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Skeptical Theism as a Response to Gratuitous Suffering" (David Kyle Johnson)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Petitionary Prayer: Problems, Perils, and a More Effective Pathway" (Mark Karris)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"How Muslims bypass the Problem of Evil" (Edis)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"In Defense of the Hypothesis of Indifference" (Cotton)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Atheism, Theism, and Suffering: Illations of the Patient’s Worldview" (Faugas)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"The Making and Unmaking of a Christian Zealot and Beyond" (O'Neal)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
"Testing the Buddha" (Gura)
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