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Is Gozer the Gozerian Actually the Sumerian God, Ninazu? An Exploration of Ghostbusters Lore
Explore the parallels between Ghostbusters' Gozer the Gozerian and ancient deities like Ninazu in our mythology-meets-pop culture analysis.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Mar 23, 20249 min read

How Yahweh Became a Donkey-Headed Egyptian Demon Called Set
The conflation of Yahweh with Set influenced early Christian interpretations of the Old Testament god as an evil deity.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 10, 20247 min read

Palestinians Cut the Heads Off Babies, Not Israelis! Why I'm Done with the Palestinian Movement
It was Palestinians, not Israelis, who cut the heads off babies. Remember that the next time you think both are to blame for the war.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Oct 14, 202314 min read

The Psychological Power (and Danger) of Magical Thinking: Is Sympathetic Magic Helpful?
This post explores the psychological dimensions of sympathetic magic, its historical origins, modern practices, and the human psyche.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Aug 27, 20238 min read

Propagandizing the Exodus Story: How DeMille's The Ten Commandments was an Allegory for the Cold War
As a Cold War-era epic, The Ten Commandments reflects the tensions prevalent in 1950s America and the fight against godless communism.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Aug 5, 20236 min read

To Understand Today's Culture Wars, You First have to Understand Ancient Honor and Shame Societies
Honor and shame in the ancient Mediterranean world were deeply ingrained in the social fabric and may still play a role today.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
May 16, 20236 min read

"Why Does GCRR Hate Religion So Much?" We don't. But we do like making fun of it!
Why does it look like GCRR hates religion? Some of it's b/c we have a dirty mind, and others b/c we engage in "abductive provocations." 😝
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 12, 20233 min read

Rapture Anxiety: The Disgraceful History of Prophecy Pundits and Harmful Apocalyptic Hysteria
The pseudo-expertise of prophecy pundits and rapture enthusiasts simply capitalizes on mass hysteria, paranoia, and global crises.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Sep 28, 20227 min read

Is your pastor at risk of dying from Coronavirus? See the National Survey on Clergy Covid Deaths
The FaithX Project and GCRR conducted a slice-in-time survey of Covid-related clergy deaths in the U.S.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
May 7, 20223 min read

Interview with the Author of Excommunicating the Faithful: Jewish Christianity in the Early Church
Excommunicating the Faithful traces the development of Jewish Christianity from the earliest Jesus followers through the fifth century.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Apr 25, 20225 min read

Hebrew Matters: 110 Hebrew Roots, the Roads They Take, the Stories They Tell
Hebrew Matters examines Hebrew roots as they appear in the Bible, Jewish literature, and modern Israel.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Apr 18, 20226 min read

Excommunicating the Faithful: Jewish Christianity in the Early Church
Excommunicating the Faithful traces Jewish Christianity from the earliest Jesus followers through its disappearance in the 4th or 5th cent.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Mar 2, 20223 min read

We are Ukraine (Part I): The Danger of Praising "Strong Men" Like Sycophantic Fan Boys
Like just before World War II, I witnessed many religionists defend a murderous dictator by praising his "strong-man" tactics like fan boys.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 25, 20223 min read

The Healing Jesus Crusade and its Perception by the Muslim Community of Ede (Southwest Nigeria)
New publication from SHERM Journal: "The Healing Jesus Crusade and its Perception by the Muslim Community of Ede (Southwest Nigeria)"
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Dec 27, 20211 min read

New Ancient Hermeneutical Practice Identified: "Hagioprepēs" (The Rationalizing of Saintly Sin)
What is Hagioprepēs? It is the act of rationalizing the sinful behaviors of culture heroes and saints in the Bible.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Dec 20, 20214 min read

United States Seizes Jewish Manuscripts and Funeral Scrolls Considered Lost in the Holocaust
The US Department of Justice announced the seizure of 17 Jewish manuscripts, funeral scrolls, and community records stolen during WWII.
Allison Guy
Nov 29, 20212 min read

A Brief Primer to the Influences of Religious Law Today
A close analysis of religious law reveals that it is anything but a legal outlier in its influence on U.S. Law.
Nov 22, 20213 min read

Book Review: The Date of the Muratorian Fragment By John F. Lingelbach
Book Review: The Date of the Muratorian Fragment By John F. Lingelbach
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Oct 25, 20211 min read

New SHERM Article: "’Emet: The Paradox of Death and Afterlife" by Zev Garber
New SHERM Article: "’Emet: The Paradox of Death and Afterlife" by Zev Garber
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Oct 11, 20211 min read

New Student Highlight! "Crime and Sin in Early Medieval England" by Hannah Purtymun
New Student Highlight! "Crime and Sin in Early Medieval England" by Hannah Purtymun.
Dr. Darren M. Slade
Oct 4, 20211 min read
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